Monday, July 22, 2013
I Have Seen The Lord!
Jesus said to her, "Mary!" She turned and said to him in Hebrew, "Rabbouni", which means Teacher. Jesus said to her, "Stop holding on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. But go to my brothers and tell them, 'I am going to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God." Mary of Magdala went and announced to the disciples, "I have seen the Lord," and what he told her.
-Gospel of John 20:11-18
Today the Church celebrates the Feast Day of Saint Mary Magdalene. I selected Mary of Magdala as my confirmation name. I've always carried a special affinity towards her: Her love for Jesus. Her courageousness. Her humility and commitment to support Jesus' message. She believed when others didn't believe. She is one of the very few women mentioned by name in the bible. This points to her incredible significance in the culture of the time as well as in salvation history.
I imagine Mary Magdalene feeling scared and confused seeing Jesus risen from the tomb! How could this be? How could a man rise from the dead? Yet, in all the shock and confusion the first thing she wanted to do was touch Jesus - physically hold him in her arms as tears of sadness turned into tears of joy at the thought of Jesus' return. However, Jesus doesn't want her to hold him. He is preparing for something even greater, ascending into heaven and being at the right side of the Father. Jesus commands her to go announce to the disciples of his reappearance. After all, Mary will soon discover he will only be with them for a short while longer.....
Mary Magdalene's deep desire to touch Jesus makes me reflect on the times in life when people want to cling to loved ones. I think of the recently divorced wife with children. The papers have been signed on the dotted line; however, she cannot completely separate from the idea that the marriage is over. She continues to pine for her ex even though he has moved on. (Sometimes into a second marriage.)
Then there is the example of the teenage girl who gets dumped by her boyfriend. She is so "in love" with him that she weeps in agony. She cannot understand why her boyfriend could disappear like he did. Even thought the hurt from being pushed away is unbearable, she will soon realize that someone better will come along.
Worst of all is the elderly grandparent who is on his death bed. The family waits around in vigil as the priest says the last rites. Mourning and weeping the children hold on to the grandparent's hand as he drifts off to sleep observing the last breathe escaping the lungs. They realize their loved one has now left this world and entered into Heaven. He will be able to see Our Lord and be with him for eternity.
What would salvation history be like without Mary Magdalene? A whole different story!
St. Mary Magdalene, Pray for Us!
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Hospitality of God's Word

Jesus entered a village where a woman whose name was Martha welcomed him. She had a sister named Mary who sat beside the Lord at his feet listening to him speak. Martha, burdened with much serving, came to him and said, "Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me by myself to do the serving?" Luke 10:38
This passage from the Gospel of Luke is one of my favorites. In this story, Luke highlights Martha and Mary and their interaction with Jesus. Mary is attentively listening to Jesus speak. Martha is complaining how she needs help in the kitchen. She sees Jesus as not caring. After all, women in those days were supposed to serve the man. Not sit around and engage in conversation!
I suspect Martha was jealous that Jesus didn't give her the same type of attention. Martha, so busy serving, didn't realize how Mary was demonstrating hospitality by listening to Jesus' words. In so listening attentively, she showed willingness to learn from the Master teacher. She loved Jesus and sought comfort from his words. Why couldn't Martha be more sensitive to this? Martha is a doer, not a contemplative. I suspect she felt it was her duty to make sure Jesus' meal was prepared perfectly.
What if Martha didn't feel so over burdened? She'd be praying in thanksgiving while cooking the meal not at all worried that her sister wasn't helping. I imagine her later asking Mary, "What did Jesus talk to you about? I want to hear all the details! He's such a wonderful teacher!"
I know I need to learn to listen more, pray more, and be more aware of Christ all around me. Let go of the times when I'm jealous of someone who seems closer to God than I am. Also, free myself from thinking negatively of others who may not do things to my expectations. I need to become more hospitable in all of my interactions with people as well as the Lord.
Saturday, July 20, 2013
Pure Joy & Endurance!
My brothers and sisters, count it pure joy when you are involved in every sort of trial. Realize that when your faith is tested this makes for endurance. Let endurance come to its perfection so that you may be fully mature and lacking in nothing. (James 1:2-4)
When I think of endurance, an image of a marathon runner comes to mind. A runner will train for weeks, months, even years to condition his body for the ultimate race. Why put the human body through so much pain - aching muscles, shin splints, and blisters on the feet? It's for the pure joy of accomplishment! It's the ability to exclaim: "I did it! I completed that marathon. I achieved my goal!"
Endurance is closely associated with sports. Can endurance be linked to our Christian faith as well? Absolutely! So many people want to give up when the going gets tough. (Not everybody thinks they are cut out to be a marathon runner.) People want to blame religion for everything wrong. ( "As an atheist I can't accept this "Christ" figure as doing anything good in my life.") Trials are meant as God's way of helping us mature and grow into better human beings. When thought of in a positive way, trials can bring joy to our lives. I think of the example of pregnancy and birth. I'm sure most women would agree it's not a very comfortable experience. Childbirth is painful! However, the immense joy after giving birth makes the endurance worth it all.
Next time we are faced with trials and tribulations, let's try to look at the joyful side to the situation. Let's look for ways to mature and grow. Let's use God's gift of endurance to persevere and get through the rough patches. From my own experience, trials usually don't last for very long. Usually after I accept them, and endure them patiently, my life calms down. My faith may be tested during these trials; however, I know in the end everything will work out. I lack for nothing believing in Jesus Christ!
Friday, July 19, 2013
Do Not Grow Stubborn
Today, listen to the voice of the Lord; Do not grow stubborn , as your fathers did in the wilderness, when at Meriba and Massah they challenged me and provoked me, Although they had seen all my works." -Excerpt from Psalm 95 (The Divine Office Invitatory Prayer)
In my own stubborn self I'd be thinking: "Ok, God, it's been like 39 years now. Why can't you feed us something other than this wretched manna? I don't know if I trust that we will ever make it to the Promise land! Already a few generations of us have passed on. I don't even know if Moses is fit for the role as our Leader. I'm wanting change and I want it now. I'm so tired of this travel...."
When I am stubborn, I fail to listen to the voice of the Lord. When I want things immediately (instant gratification) or want things to work out my way (refusal to let go) I'm not growing stronger in my Christian faith. I'm backsliding into a me-centric world. Our Lord doesn't want me to grow more and more stubborn as I live the only life he gave me. He wants me to let go of the things "I" want and allow things to work out the way "He" wants. This is quite the challenge. God gave me the free will to behave however I like. I can complain or I can be grateful. I can curse or I can praise. I can frown or I can smile. I can be foolish or wise.
Do not grow stubborn!!
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
A Rainbow of Remembrance
I am sunk in the abysmal swamp where there is no foothold; I have reached the watery depths; the flood overwhelms me. But I pray to you, O LORD, for the time of your favor, O God! In your great kindness answer me with your constant help. -Psalms 69
I endure a rather lengthy commute to work. With all of the driving I observe many interesting every day occurrences. Today I saw the most beautiful rainbow! The last couple of days have been rainy and cooler. Very out of the ordinary for mid July in North Texas. As I observed the rainbow's brilliant colors and wide range it reminded me of the story of Noah's Arc. A rainbow created to signify God's promise never to destroy the earth by water again.....
Sometimes I feel like I am drowning in a flood of sin, shame, and "pity me" parties. I wonder why I can't be more successful. I wonder why I am still single, never married without children. I challenge God asking him, "Why did you create me? How am I supposed to better serve you?" Sometimes I imagine myself in the ocean swimming for dear life, struggling to keep my head above water as waves crash around me. Then I see a beautiful rainbow in the sky as an oasis begins to form. I see relief! A savior at last! All of those beautiful colors of the rainbow shining in the sky as if God is telling me : "I am here to help you! Do not be afraid. Do not feel lonely. Do not feel like you are not worthy. I promise to always be there with you to guide you along. Things in life happen according to my plan. They may not seem very exciting right now but you will understand their purpose in the future. Keep faith alive. Look to the colors of the rainbow as a symbol of my enduring love for you."
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