Thursday, March 22, 2012

Interior Silence

Can anyone imagine a world in complete silence?  Can anyone imagine mastering the ability to internally block out all of the noise in the world that's so distracting and irritating?  God gave us ears to listen.  Yes, he also gave us a mouth to speak.  But, how often are the words we say (or think) meaningless and totally against God's holy word?  I get tired of all the NOISE of society around me:  radios, stereos, television sets, babies crying, cars honking, cell phone chatting, cell phones ringing, hammering of roofs - noise,noise, noise!! It's hard to THINK with so many noisy distractions.  It's definitely hard to become more intimate with the Lord with so much noise pollution. 
The exterior noise is often what we think of when we talk about "noise pollution."  But, oftentimes our own "interior noise" through obsessive, negative thoughts can be even more polluting.  I'm a thinker and observer.  I'm one of those types of personalities who over-thinks to the point that I will commit a grave sin.  How many times have I thought lustful thoughts about a man who I can never be with?  How many times have I told myself that I'm worthless, no good, ugly, and boring when nothing warrants such thoughts?  How many times have I been angry, resentful, and downright selfish toward others?  Way too many times to keep track of! The Devil has a clever way of keeping our minds undisciplined and LOUD. 
I understand now the need for interior silence where all of my thoughts are focused on God .  This way I strive to imitate HIM in all facets of my life.  It takes practice and patience to quiet my mind.  Who knows all God is trying to tell me, but I'm so "in tune" with my own selfish thoughts that I cannot hear his message.  It's time to tell my mind to "Be quiet and listen to what God has to say!"


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Pentential Rains

We experienced a violent, drenching rainstorm last night.  The thunder and lightening was intense.  My little dachshund sat on the bed, staring at the bedroom window with her ears perked up.  She whined and woofed looking at me with her big brown eyes.  In my imagination she was thinking:  "Mommie!  What is all of that noise & light?  I'm so scared!  Is God sending down fire bolts to burn down our house?  All I want to do is snuggle under the bed and be close to my mommie!  I don't want to hear this awful noise!"  The thunder and lightning passed even though the heavy raindrops still pounded on the roof. My little pooch was scared, but I prayed, thanking the Lord for the glorious RAIN that we desperately need.  Texas is in the midst of a severe drought.  The rain lately has been such a blessing.  Spring is alive and in full swing.  The only bad thing about all of the moisture is the amount of weeds infesting my lawn.. 

Rain cleans out the air, it makes the beautiful flowers bloom, it fill ups our lakes, and it provides drinking water.  Yes, it's terrible to drive through and creates damage in torrential flood conditions.  Yet, God gave us rain to help sustain life!  When I suffered through the hottest summer on record (with no rain) I felt parched, dried up, uncomfortable, lifeless.  I desperately wanted to see at least one rain cloud build up in the blue sky.  Nothing!

I find it intriguing how all the rain we've experienced has coincided so closely with the Season of Lent.  I equate the rain as tears from heaven!  I see the Lord crying out:  "Please, Come back to me!  I have so much grace to pour out to you!  Will you tell me your deepest secrets?  I'm here to forgive you for all of the things you've done to offend me!"  Those rain drops touch my hair and my skin.  The coldness and wetness reminds me of what I've done to offend God.  His tears are telling me to change my sinful ways.  That bolt of lightening and thunder of a rainstorm is signaling to me to stop what I'm doing wrong and seek Christ's forgiveness.  Lent is a time of fasting, almsgiving, and penance.  The rain signifies God's love for creation and sustaining life. However, it can resemble God's sadness at his precious humans for being so selfish, so cruel, so unloving, and so departed from his laws.  God's tears of sadness can turn into tears of joy when I follow Christ's ways and not my own selfish ways. What can I do to make amends?  What can I do to harvest the precious rain water for the good of my soul?
