Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Feast of Pentecost - Come Holy Spirit

Today is the Feast of Pentecost, the last Sunday of Easter. It's a solemnity celebrating Jesus's gift of the Holy Spirit to the Apostles and the Christian Faithful.

Come, Holy Spirit - Advocate and Guide!

How is the precious gift of the Holy Spirit manifested in my own life? I feel the Paraclete's presence when I pray the Liturgy of the Hours, a new regular devotion I began during Lent. When I lector on the 2nd Sunday of the month, the Holy Spirit pours forth through my words. Let's just say public speaking has never been my forte. But by the grace of God I'm given the confidence to project scripture with diction, clarity, and enthusiasm. It's something I've grown to love over the last 3 years.

The power of the Holy Spirit lead me on a special journey to complete a 4 year extensive study of the entire bible through the University of Dallas Catholic Biblical School. Wow, talk about challenging material but so rich in wisdom. I may not be a biblical scholar, but I'm definitely a lover of God's word. Reading the bible and meditating on the word brings peace and a better understanding of the Church and all of her teachings.

St. Paul in the Book of Romans says:  The Spirit too helps us in our weakness, for we do not know how to pray as we ought; but the Spirit himself makes intercession for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in speech. He who searches hearts knows what the Spirit means, for the Spirit intercedes for the saints as God himself wills.

St. Irenaeus in his Treatise Against Heresies writes:  If we are not to be scorched and made unfruitful, we need the dew of God. Since we have our accuser, we need an advocate as well.

What beautiful words from the Saints who understood completely the purpose of the Holy Spirit:  To guide us on our spiritual journey with the love of Christ by our side!

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