Thursday, December 29, 2011

A Case of the Holiday Blues

We just ended the season of Advent and celebrated the Birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ!  Now we've entered the glorious Octave of Christmas.  There's so much I should be thankful for:  employment, a wonderful family, good health, a nice home, the best dog in the world.  Why do I feel out of sorts?  Why do I feel like I'm not worthy of the blessings I've been given?  The Holiday blues have set in and they are running deep right now...

I always tend to feel a little down during the dreary months of Winter with shorten days and less sunshine.   But, it seems to be a little worse now that my finances are very tight.  I started a new job back in October.  The high fuel and toll fees because of a much longer commute are really biting into my budget.  It didn't help that I experienced a ton of unexpected expenses all at once:  A vet bill, car repairs, new garage door springs, new electric lighting in the master bathroom!  (Owning a home is not cheap...)  I'm required to build back up my savings very, very slowly!  With God's help, I managed to remain unemployed for only 8 weeks!  Still, those 8 weeks wiped out the little savings I had....Sigh.  It's rough starting over financially.  I'm just glad everyday I was able to pay the mortgage those weeks I was without steady income.

Our former pastor along with parishioners from my church left for a pilgrimage to the Holy Land this week.  I'm just sick I couldn't go with them!  As I wrote earlier this year, it was one of those things where the trip sold out very quickly.  Considering my financial constraints I couldn't afford to go on the trip anyway!  However, hopefully I will be able to visit the Holy Land late next year or early 2013.  By then I should have enough saved up to really enjoy it without a looming credit card bill over my head.


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Celebration of 1st Reconcilation

Bless me Father for I have sinned.  This is my first confession...
Oh My God, I am sorry for my sins with all my heart....
I firmly intend with your help to do penance, to sin no more, and to avoid whatever leads me to sin....
Your sins are forgiven in the name of the Father, and the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.....

I'm absolutely thrilled to participate with my Faith Formation class in celebration of 1st Reconcilation last night.  What a lively, intelligent, and very inspiring group of 3rd and 4th graders!  In the beginning of the school year, I had my doubts if I was cut out to be a Catechist.  It tooks 4 weeks of losing my marbles to finally figure out how this wonderful group of kiddos works!  I've never taught in my life.  I've never babysitted children.  In fact, I always said I never wanted children of my own! I just plain couldn't relate! But as I began to hear the stories they shared, see the smiles on their faces, and answer their thought-provoking questions, I realized that children really are a blessing from God!  They deserve love.  They deserve respect.  They deserve freedom from abuse and exploitation.  They deserve to be cherished.  They deserve to be taught the beauty and richness of our Catholic Faith.  My students have taught me so much!  I never really thought I would learn from them as they learn from me.  I'm really looking forward to preparing them for 1st communion during the Easter Season 2012!


Monday, December 5, 2011

2011 Advent - A Real Need to Reflect

It's been months since I last posted.  Life has been a world wind to say the least!  During this Season of Advent its time to step back and reflect on my life, my struggles, my accomplishments, my faith, and my hopes.  In this time of watch staying "alert" for not only the birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ but his Second Comind is an important stepping stone on my own spiritual journey!

It's time for me to be bored!  Yes, bored out of my mind!  With the hustle and bustle of christmas shopping, home decorating, end of the year charitable giving, and social parties how important to take time away in prayerful meditation to reflect on the true reason for the season.  The secular materialistic world we live in makes it way too easy to forget Advent and Christmas is a tribute and celebration of Jesus.  Not Santa Claus or his elves!  Not expensive toys!  Not Black Friday or Cyber Monday sales!

What would our world be like without Jesus?  What if he was never born?  What if he never existed? Can you imagine no Christmas?  Its sad for me to think secularism influences the faithful into forgetting the true meaning of the Advent season.

How am I experiencing Advent in a more spiritual way?  I'm regularly examining my conscience and doing penance.  I'm attending Holy Mass on both Saturday night and Sunday mornings even when I'm only obligated to one Mass! I'm volunteering as a lay liturgical minister on my out of normal routine.  Moreover, I'm trying to be more patient, kind, enduring, and conscientious of my faith community.  Its tough to get out of myself and my own personal struggles!

I thank God everyday for the blessings in my life. I'm anxiously awaiting for the celebration of his holy birth!  A little boredom isn't bad every now and then, especially when I know Our Lord Savior is coming!
